Results for 'Jule Jakob Govrin'

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  1.  11
    Hannes Kuch: Herr und Knecht. nerkennung und symbolische Macht im Anschluss an Hegel..Jule Jakob Govrin - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (3):407-411.
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    Jule Jakob Govrin: Sex, Gott und Kapital. Michel Houellebecqs Unterwerfung zwischen neoreaktionärer Rhetorik und postsäkularen Politiken.Mareike Trawnik - 2018 - Feministische Studien 36 (2):421-422.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 36 Heft: 2 Seiten: 421-422.
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    Debt and Desire: Differential Exploitation and Gendered Dimensions of Debt and Austerity.Jule Govrin - 2023 - Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 43 (1):25-45.
    Austerity as management of public debt is at the core of neoliberal policies and proceeds as differential exploitation. To explore the gendered dimensions of debt, the paper inquires how debt is bond to desire and inscribed in bodies. After indulging in David Graeber’s, Gilles Deleuze’s and Félix Guttari’s work, the analysis focuses on accumulation through debt and dispossession. Drawing on Verónica Gago, Luci Cavallero and Silvia Federici, it reflects how current economies of debt exploit feminized work in times of authoritarian (...)
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    Die Sprachkraft der sprechenden, schreienden, schweigenden, schreibenden Körper.Jule Govrin - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (3):496-501.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 67 Heft: 3 Seiten: 496-501.
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    Begehren Und Ökonomie: Eine Sozialphilosophische Studie.Jule Govrin - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Begehren, Sexualität, Intimität und Affektivität sind feinmaschig in die spätkapitalistische Matrix des Sozialen eingewebt. Die Studie untersucht die politische Ökonomie des Begehrens nach 1968. Sie unternimmt einen Streifzug quer durch die Philosophiegeschichte – von Platon über die Psychoanalyse zum Poststrukturalismus. Dabei geht sie von der Annahme aus, dass Ökonomie einen konstitutiven Faktor darstellt, wenn man Begehren begreifen will. Umgekehrt lassen sich sozioökonomische Strukturen nicht ohne die Rolle des Begehrens verstehen. Begehren wirkt sozialmobilisierend, indem es normative Ordnungen sowohl errichten und aufrechterhalten (...)
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    Jakob Leth Fink. Editor. Phantasia in Aristotle’s Ethics. Reception in the Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Latin Traditions. Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition. London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sidney: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. [REVIEW]Jules Janssens - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (2):139-144.
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    Le Baiser de la Belle au bois dormant ou : des péripéties encourues par la géographie linguistique depuis Jules Gilliéron.Hans Goebl - 2013 - Corpus 12:61-84.
    Partant du substrat intellectuel et scientifique sur lequel repose, en dernière analyse, l’Atlas linguistique de la France (ALF : 1902-1910) de Jules Gilliéron (1854-1926), cet article envisage l’évolution ultérieure de la géographie linguistique « atlantiste », surtout sous l’égide de Karl Jaberg (1877-1958) et Jakob Jud (1882-1952), auteurs de l’atlas italo-suisse AIS, et des promoteurs des Nouveaux atlas linguistiques de la France (NALFs) à partir de 1950. Il en appert que l’orientation théorique de base et la recherche inconditionnée de (...)
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    City networks’ power in global agri-food systems.Lena Partzsch, Jule Lümmen & Anne-Cathrine Löhr - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1263-1275.
    Cities and local governments loom large on the sustainability agenda. Networks such as Fair Trade Towns International (FTT) and the Organic Cities Network aim to bring about global policy change from below. Given the new enthusiasm for local approaches, it seems relevant to ask to what extent local groups exercise power and in what form. City networks present their members as “ethical places” exercising _power with_, rather than _power over_ others. The article provides an empirical analysis of the power of (...)
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    The Hanabi challenge: A new frontier for AI research.Nolan Bard, Jakob N. Foerster, Sarath Chandar, Neil Burch, Marc Lanctot, H. Francis Song, Emilio Parisotto, Vincent Dumoulin, Subhodeep Moitra, Edward Hughes, Iain Dunning, Shibl Mourad, Hugo Larochelle, Marc G. Bellemare & Michael Bowling - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 280 (C):103216.
  10. (1 other version)Ethics-based auditing to develop trustworthy AI.Jakob Mökander & Luciano Floridi - 2021 - Minds and Machines 31 (2):323–327.
    A series of recent developments points towards auditing as a promising mechanism to bridge the gap between principles and practice in AI ethics. Building on ongoing discussions concerning ethics-based auditing, we offer three contributions. First, we argue that ethics-based auditing can improve the quality of decision making, increase user satisfaction, unlock growth potential, enable law-making, and relieve human suffering. Second, we highlight current best practices to support the design and implementation of ethics-based auditing: To be feasible and effective, ethics-based auditing (...)
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  11. Theory Roulette: Choosing that Climate Change is not a Tragedy of the Commons.Jakob Ortmann & Walter Veit - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (1):65-89.
    Climate change mitigation has become a paradigm case both for externalities in general and for the game-theoretic model of the Tragedy of the Commons (ToC) in particular. This situation is worrying, as we have reasons to suspect that some models in the social sciences are apt to be performative to the extent that they can become self-fulfilling prophecies. Framing climate change mitigation as a hardly solvable coordination problem may force us into a worse situation, by changing real-world behaviour to fit (...)
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    Fazit & Ausblick.Janna R. Wieland, Jule Korte, Carla J. Maier, Elise V. Bernstorff & Birgit Althans - 2019 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 28 (2):171-214.
    In diesem Fazit & Ausblick werden nun die in der Einleitung formulierten Themenfelder, in denen wir auch die Anschlüsse an Arbeiten und Forschungsgebiete der Historischen Anthropologie gegeben sahen, wieder aufgegriffen. Dies geschieht entlang von Aspekten, die durch die responses aufgeworfen wurden, und die wir hinsichtlich unserer Forschung zu Arenen transkultureller Bildung weiterdenken. Ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Transmissionseffekten, die sich im Forschungsprozess, auch unter Einbezug der responses, zwischen den Forschungsfeldern – den Arenen Theater und Schule – ergeben haben. (...)
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  13. Too Much Info: Data Surveillance and Reasons to Favor the Control Account of the Right to Privacy.Jakob Thrane Mainz & Rasmus Uhrenfeldt - 2020 - Res Publica 27 (2):287-302.
    In this paper, we argue that there is at least a pro tanto reason to favor the control account of the right to privacy over the access account of the right to privacy. This conclusion is of interest due to its relevance for contemporary discussions related to surveillance policies. We discuss several ways in which the two accounts of the right to privacy can be improved significantly by making minor adjustments to their respective definitions. We then test the improved versions (...)
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    Explanation in the science of consciousness: From the neural correlates of consciousness (NCCs) to the difference makers of consciousness.Colin Klein, Jakob Hohwy & Tim Bayne - 2020 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 1 (II).
    At present, the science of consciousness is structured around the search for the neural correlates of consciousness. One of the alleged advantages of the NCCs framework is its metaphysical neutrality—the fact that it begs no contested questions with respect to debates about the fundamental nature of consciousness. Here, we argue that even if the NCC framework is metaphysically neutral, it is structurally committed, for it presupposes a certain model—what we call the Lite-Brite model—of consciousness. This, we argue, represents a serious (...)
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  15. Rationality and schizophrenic delusion.Ian Gold & Jakob Hohwy - 2000 - Mind and Language 15 (1):146-167.
    The theory of rationality has traditionally been concerned with the investigation of the norms of rational thought and behaviour, and with the reasoning pro‐cedures that satisfy them. As a consequence, the investigation of irrationality has largely been restricted to the behaviour or thought that violates these norms. There are, how‐ever, other forms of irrationality. Here we propose that the delusions that occur in schizophrenia constitute a paradigm of irrationality. We examine a leading theory of schizophrenic delusion and propose that some (...)
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  16. Engineering virtue: constructionist virtue ethics.Jakob Ohlhorst - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Virtue ethics is traditionally a conservative project. It analyses the virtues that humanity has been relying on since antiquity. This conservatism unduly limits the potential of virtue ethics to contribute to moral progress. Instead, we should pay more attention to constructionist virtue ethics with the help of conceptual engineering. I will argue that revising and ameliorating the virtue concepts which a community uses directly and indirectly leads to a change of the virtues that exist in this community. By revising and (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Artificial virtuous agents: from theory to machine implementation.Jakob Stenseke - 2021 - AI and Society:1-20.
    Virtue ethics has many times been suggested as a promising recipe for the construction of artificial moral agents due to its emphasis on moral character and learning. However, given the complex nature of the theory, hardly any work has de facto attempted to implement the core tenets of virtue ethics in moral machines. The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate how virtue ethics can be taken all the way from theory to machine implementation. To achieve this goal, we (...)
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    How Valuable Is It?Henrik Andersson & Jakob Green Werkmäster - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry (3):1-18.
  19. An Indirect Argument for the Access Theory of Privacy.Jakob Mainz - 2021 - Res Publica 27 (3):309-328.
    In this paper, I offer an indirect argument for the Access Theory of privacy. First, I develop a new version of the rival Control Theory that is immune to all the classic objections against it. Second, I show that this new version of the Control Theory collapses into the Access Theory. I call the new version the ‘Negative Control Account’. Roughly speaking, the classic Control Theory holds that you have privacy if, and only if, you can control whether other people (...)
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    On the Contemporary Practice of Philosophy of Mathematics.Colin Jakob Rittberg - 2019 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 7 (1):5-26.
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    AI and social theory.Jakob Mökander & Ralph Schroeder - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1337-1351.
    In this paper, we sketch a programme for AI-driven social theory. We begin by defining what we mean by artificial intelligence (AI) in this context. We then lay out our specification for how AI-based models can draw on the growing availability of digital data to help test the validity of different social theories based on their predictive power. In doing so, we use the work of Randall Collins and his state breakdown model to exemplify that, already today, AI-based models can (...)
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  22. Consciousness: Theoretical approaches.Tim Bayne & Jakob Hohwy - unknown
    After being sorely neglected for some time, consciousness is well and truly back on the philosophical and scientific agenda. This entry provides a whistle-stop tour of some recent debates surrounding consciousness, with a particular focus on issues relevant to the scientific study of consciousness. The first half of this entry (the first to fourth sections) focuses on clarifying the explanandum of a science of consciousness and identifying constraints on an adequate account of consciousness; the second half of this entry (the (...)
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    Medical students’ attitudes towards conscientious objection: a survey.Sven Jakob Nordstrand, Magnus Andreas Nordstrand, Per Nortvedt & Morten Magelssen - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (9):609-612.
    Objective To examine medical students’ views on conscientious objection and controversial medical procedures.Methods Questionnaire study among Norwegian 5th and 6th year medical students.Results Five hundred and thirty-one of 893 students responded. Respondents object to a range of procedures not limited to abortion —notably euthanasia, ritual circumcision for boys, assisted reproduction for same-sex couples and ultrasound in the setting of prenatal diagnosis. A small minority would object to referrals for abortion. In the case of abortion, up to 55% would tolerate conscientious (...)
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  24.  24
    (1 other version)Vorlesungen über die algebra der logik.Ernst Schröder, Jakob Lüroth & Karl Eugen Müller - 1890 - Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. Edited by Jakob Lüroth & Karl Eugen Müller.
    Vorlesungen über die Algebra der Logik ist ein unveränderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1890. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernährung, Medizin und weiteren Genres. Der Schwerpunkt des Verlages liegt auf dem Erhalt historischer Literatur. Viele Werke historischer Schriftsteller und Wissenschaftler sind heute nur noch als Antiquitäten erhältlich. Hansebooks verlegt diese Bücher neu und trägt damit zum Erhalt selten gewordener Literatur und historischem Wissen auch für die (...)
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    Circalunar clocks—Old experiments for a new era.Tobias S. Kaiser & Jule Neumann - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (8):2100074.
    Circalunar clocks, which allow organisms to time reproduction to lunar phase, have been experimentally proven but are still not understood at the molecular level. Currently, a new generation of researchers with new tools is setting out to fill this gap. Our essay provides an overview of classic experiments on circalunar clocks. From the unpublished work of the late D. Neumann we also present a novel phase response curve for a circalunar clock. These experiments highlight avenues for molecular work and call (...)
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    An Overview of Charles Peirce on Ethics, Esthetics and the Normative Sciences.James Jakób Liszka - 2022 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 58 (3):219-226.
    Abstract:In Charles Peirce on Ethics, Esthetics and the Normative Sciences, I argue that Peirce was motivated to develop a normative science of ethics because of his growing concern with the corruption of science in the Gilded Age, and the recognition that the pragmatic maxim entailed an amoral instrumentalism. Rather than taking a Kantian approach to resolve the latter issue, he adopts an Aristotelian one, engaging in a search for an ultimate end that could order all other ends. What is right (...)
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  27. Das allmächtige Leben.Jakob Johann Uexküll - 1950 - Hamburg,: C. Wegner.
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  28. Meditaciones biológicas.Jakob Johann Uexküll - 1942 - Madrid,: Revista de Occidente. Edited by Sacristán, José Miguel & [From Old Catalog].
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    A Foray Into the Worlds of Animals and Humans: With a Theory of Meaning.Jakob von Uexküll - 2010 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    The influential work of speculative biology-and a key document in posthumanist studies-now available in a new, accurate English translation.
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    Peirce’s Convergence Theory of Truth Redux.James Jakób Liszka - 2019 - Cognitio 20 (1):91-112.
    A teoria convergente da verdade de Peirce é uma abordagem intuitiva e razoável da verdade. No seu sentido mais geral, vincula a verdade aos resultados da investigação. De acordo com a máxima pragmática, Peirce percebeu que as consequências práticas de afirmações verdadeiras são de trazer investigações à fruição e resolver opinião. No entanto, a teoria da verdade de Peirce é muitas vezes difamada e mal-entendida. Argumenta-se, aqui, que uma vez que se entende que a teoria convergente é uma inferência e (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Adolf Lasson zum Gedächtnis.Ferd Jakob Schmidt - 1919 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 23:101.
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  32. Content and misrepresentation in hierarchical generative models.Alex Kiefer & Jakob Hohwy - 2018 - Synthese 195 (6):2387-2415.
    In this paper, we consider how certain longstanding philosophical questions about mental representation may be answered on the assumption that cognitive and perceptual systems implement hierarchical generative models, such as those discussed within the prediction error minimization framework. We build on existing treatments of representation via structural resemblance, such as those in Gładziejewski :559–582, 2016) and Gładziejewski and Miłkowski, to argue for a representationalist interpretation of the PEM framework. We further motivate the proposed approach to content by arguing that it (...)
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  33. Future Selves and Present Moral Philosophers: Our Epistemic Superiors in Moral Matters.Jakob Lohmar - 2021 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 98 (3):436-445.
    Moral expertise requires a level of reliability in moral matters that is significantly higher than that of the average person. The author argues that this requirement of epistemic superiority in moral matters is sometimes fulfilled by our future selves and generally fulfilled by present moral philosophers. Our future selves are more reliable in answering moral questions than we are, when they have been prepared to answer those questions by various epistemic activities. But if our future selves are our epistemic superiors (...)
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    Lifespan change in grammaticalisation as frequency-sensitive automation: William Faulkner and the let alone construction.Jakob Neels - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (2):339-365.
    This paper explores the added value of studying intra- and inter-speaker variation in grammaticalisation based on idiolect corpora. It analyses the usage patterns of the English let alone construction in a self-compiled William Faulkner corpus against the backdrop of aggregated community data. Vast individual differences (early Faulkner vs. late Faulkner vs. peers) in frequencies of use are observed, and these frequency differences correlate with different degrees of grammaticalisation as measured in terms of host-class and syntactic context expansion. The corpus findings (...)
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    The Intermediate Scope of Consciousness in the Predictive Mind.Francesco Marchi & Jakob Hohwy - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (2):891-912.
    There is a view on consciousness that has strong intuitive appeal and empirical support: the intermediate-level theory of consciousness, proposed mainly by Ray Jackendoff and by Jesse Prinz. This theory identifies a specific “intermediate” level of representation as the basis of human phenomenal consciousness, which sits between high-level non-perspectival thought processes and low-level disjointed feature-detection processes in the perceptual and cognitive processing hierarchy. In this article, we show that the claim that consciousness arises at an intermediate-level is true of some (...)
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    Die Mystik bei Schopenhauer.Jakob Mühlethaler - 1910 - Berlin: A. Duncker.
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    The saint, the criminal and the terrorist: Towards a hypothesis on terrorism.Jakob Roover S. N. Balagangadhardea - 2010 - Journal of Political Philosophy 18 (1):1-15.
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    Introduction: questioning and affiliation/ disaffiliation in interaction.Paul Drew & Jakob Steensig - 2008 - Discourse Studies 10 (1):5-15.
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    The Theory of Meaning.Jakob von Uexküll - 1982 - Semiotica 42 (1).
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    The material reasoning of folding paper.Michael Friedman & Colin Jakob Rittberg - 2021 - Synthese 198 (S26):6333-6367.
    This paper inquires the ways in which paper folding constitutes a mathematical practice and may prompt a mathematical culture. To do this, we first present and investigate the common mathematical activities shared by this culture, i.e. we present mathematical paper folding as a material reasoning practice. We show that the patterns of mathematical activity observed in mathematical paper folding are, at least since the end of the nineteenth century, sufficiently stable to be considered as a practice. Moreover, we will argue (...)
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    Obstacles to Widening Biosample Research.Flora Colledge, Jakob Passweg & Bernice Elger - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1):113-128.
    Switzerland has an excellent culture of medical research and is a melting pot for medical experts with international expertise. Nevertheless, as in other countries, the resources available to medical researchers are not being fully used. Biological samples, which enable a host of medical research studies to be carried out without invasive methods involving patients, are frequently left unused or forgotten. The aim of this study is to examine the experiences of biobank stakeholders regarding the use or underuse of biosamples, in (...)
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    Peter Paul Rubens and his Brother Philip's Poems on Samson and Judith.Hans Jakob Meier - 2014 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 77 (1):241-245.
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    Invitation.Jakob Meløe & Viggo Rossuaer - 1988 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):403 – 406.
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    Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköy im Vorderasiatischen MuseumKeilschrifttexte aus Boghazkoy im Vorderasiatischen Museum.H. Craig Melchert & Liane Jakob-Rost - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (3):521.
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    Geschichte und Begriff: eine kritische Studie zur Geschichtsmethodologie von Ernst Troeltsch und Max Weber.Julius Jakob Schaaf - 1946 - Tübingen: Mohr.
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    Die geschichtsphilosophie von Karl Lamprecht.Emil Jakob Spiess - 1921 - Erlangen,: Junge & sohn, Universitäts-buchdruckerei.
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    Introduction for Special Issue of Submissions from European Liberal Education Student Conference.Nigel Tubbs & Jakob Tonda Dirksen - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (11):1008-1010.
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    Igavene küsimus.Jakob von Uexküll & Thure von Uexküll - 2004 - Sign Systems Studies 32 (1-2):362-362.
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  49. The value of responsibility gaps in algorithmic decision-making.Lauritz Munch, Jakob Mainz & Jens Christian Bjerring - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (1):1-11.
    Many seem to think that AI-induced responsibility gaps are morally bad and therefore ought to be avoided. We argue, by contrast, that there is at least a pro tanto reason to welcome responsibility gaps. The central reason is that it can be bad for people to be responsible for wrongdoing. This, we argue, gives us one reason to prefer automated decision-making over human decision-making, especially in contexts where the risks of wrongdoing are high. While we are not the first to (...)
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    (1 other version)Controlling cardinal characteristics without adding reals.Martin Goldstern, Jakob Kellner, Diego A. Mejía & Saharon Shelah - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (3):2150018.
    We investigate the behavior of cardinal characteristics of the reals under extensions that do not add new [Formula: see text]-sequences (for some regular [Formula: see text]). As an application, we show that consistently the following cardinal characteristics can be different: The (“independent”) characteristics in Cichoń’s diagram, plus [Formula: see text]. (So we get thirteen different values, including [Formula: see text] and continuum). We also give constructions to alternatively separate other MA-numbers (instead of [Formula: see text]), namely: MA for [Formula: see (...)
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